So nice, you get it twice--so goes the phrase, and we agree when it comes to the two birthstones of the month, the rare purple stone Tanzanite, and the ever-popular Turquoise. December babes, we’ll leave it up to you to choose your favorite!
Tanzanite - The Stone of Wisdom and High Vibrations
Tanzanite gets its name from the only place it can be found--Tanzania, East Africa. Discovered less than 55 years ago, it is a color-shifting stone, meaning that it transforms from lilac-blue to sapphire, and finally into a deep blue-violet. Tiffany Co. was the first American company to use the stones in jewelry design, and Tanzanite has soon named the gemstone of the 20th century. The blue color of tanzanite is caused by small amounts of vanadium -- which is heat -- within the mineral structure. Once heated, the color becomes even more vibrant.
Similar to many rare stones, Tanzanite is believed to have high vibrations and is used in meditation practices. In the study of chakras, deep blue and purple relate to the third eye and crown chakras, allowing for intuition and clarity to be enhanced with Tanzanite. When worn as jewelry, Tanzanite is believed to stay within one's auric field and bring one's consciousness to a higher state, as well as bring the positive qualities to others who see its beauty.
Whether you admire Tanzanite for its incredible color or the mystical lore around it, the December birthstone is a beautiful reflection of what can be found in nature.
Turquoise - The Worldly Stone of Protection
Turquoise, the iconic blue stone, has an incredibly different timeline than the newer Tanzanite. Originally called the jewel of the Orient – Turquoise is believed to have been first been used in northeastern Persia, according to archeologists who discovered the stone in graves dating back to 4000 B.C. From here, turquoise made its way around the world, becoming an important stone in Native American culture in both the North and South Americas, specifically around Mexico and the now Southwestern states of the US. The difference between Persian Turquoise and American Turquoise can be seen in the variations in patterns: the Persian stone has no dark “veining,” whereas the American stone is loved for its natural-looking appearance with differing dark marks throughout the blue. So what is turquoise really? It is a hydrous phosphate of copper and aluminum that creates this beautiful stone found in nature.
The lore associated with Turquoise reflects the symbolism around its color. The bright blue has been said to inspire hope, like a clear day’s sky, and bring protection to those who wear it. It is also said to bring healing power to those in need, as it is believed to have anti-inflammatory properties that aid in the strengthening of the immune system. It has also been a symbol of friendship and relationship building, as it is often given as a gift of connection.
The rich history of Turquoise is an incredible representation of jewelry’s significance within history -- how humans for years and years have loved, honored, and worn the beautiful stones the earth gives us.
And as always, never hesitate to reach out to us at hello@starlingjewelry or via DM's on our Instagram if you have questions! We love to chat all things jewelry.